HTML Email Design & Build
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At the heart of most modern marketing campaigns is the html email, basically a coded webpage but simplified to work in email software. Unfortunately the software support for html and css styling varies massively across the email client software available so you need have to think about who you are aiming at. Codeing support on the iphone is very comprehensive and in contrast support in Outlook and Gmail is minimal and between the 3 of them they cover about 65-70% of the market.
Users may also have their email settings set to ignore images completely in order to not clog up their inbox, meaning any images you use will simply be ignored including any information you choose to include in these images.
As well as that, more than 50% of emails are now opened on a mobile screen meaning html emails also need to be coded responsively so they display as required on smaller screens. Users also check their email up to three times more often on a mobile.
And finally, you have 3 seconds with which to grab the readers eye before they touch the bin icon and your email disappears.
Above is a selection of the html emails and newsletters I have produced recently for various clients. All responsive, all including images and text so as not to lose the message when recipients don’t want their inboxes full up with images and all eyecatching.
Feel free to contact me about any ideas or projects you have coming up.